Drew Bagley
Achieving Ecosystem-level Cybersecurity: A U.S. Policy Perspective
In today’s era of technological innovation, devices, networks and data are interconnected in a vast digital ecosystem. What organizations build in this ecosystem can affect others in it — for better o[…]
Data Protection Day 2024: As Technology and Threats Evolve, Data Protection Is Paramount
Today’s cybersecurity landscape poses one of the most significant risks to data. This holds true for organizations of all sizes, across all industries, tasked with protecting their most essential data[…]
CrowdStrike Congressional Testimony: 5 Recommendations to Secure the Public Sector
“We are at a point where the stakes of defensive stagnation pose increasing risks in the face of threat actors’ innovation. This is why it’s so important to continually evolve in how we prevent, detec[…]
Data Protection Day 2023: Misaligned Policy Priorities Complicate Data Protection Compliance
January 28 is recognized as Data Protection Day in Europe, the United States and dozens of other countries including Canada and Israel. It provides a moment to reflect on where data protection regulat[…]
Four Takeaways as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Turns 4
This blog was originally published on Security Senses. May 25, 2022, marked four years since the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect. Although the scope of the […]
Data Protection Day 2022: To Protect Privacy, Remember Security
Today’s privacy and security conversations often happen in silos, but key privacy principles from decades ago remind us that they are intertwined, especially in the face of today’s risks. January 28, […]
GDPR at Three Years: Risk Takes On New Meaning
May 25, 2021, marked three years since the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, commonly referred to as GDPR, went into effect. Though GDPR was built on longstanding European and inter[…]
Data Protection Day 2021: Harnessing the Power of Big Data Protection
Data Protection Day — known as Data Privacy Day outside of Europe — marks an opportunity to assess data privacy, use, access and controls for individuals and organizations alike. Typically, this day i[…]