Virgin Hyperloop Protects IP, Augments Team with Falcon Complete and Falcon OverWatch Managed Services

Virgin Hyperloop, a global startup with a world-changing mass transit vision and the intellectual property (IP) to make it happen, remediates “no malware whatsoever” after deploying CrowdStrike Falcon® CompleteTM managed endpoint security, reports VP of IT Dawn Armstrong. “The CrowdStrike platform lets us forget about malware and move onto the critical projects we need to do,” she says. The benefits of Virgin Hyperloop’s partnership with CrowdStrike extend further, Armstrong adds. With Falcon OverWatch™ managed hunting and Falcon Complete managed detection and response capabilities, she has been able to augment her startup-lean IT team with CrowdStrike staff. One benefit of this partnership, Armstrong says, is that it allows her service desk to be freed up to handle employee tickets, saving time and money in the process. Another is that it saves her a “tremendous” amount of money compared to the “mish-mosh” of cybersecurity products she previously deployed. Virgin Hyperloop shares these and other results of its partnership with CrowdStrike in a new case study. Learn how you can cut your security costs, diminish malware incidents and reduce remediation efforts like the team at Virgin Hyperloop.


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