Renaissance Spider

Russian Federation


Since at least mid-2019, Russia-nexus eCrime adversary RENAISSANCE SPIDER has conducted eCrime and targeted intrusion campaigns. The adversary also briefly conducted information operations (IO) disguised as hacktivism in early 2024.  RENAISSANCE SPIDER sends high-volume malspam that typically contains either phishing links or archive attachments delivering a password-protected RAR archive and a te...

Community Identifiers



  • nFMs5GPtr7mOkBY
  • zM7kVLOaj9NXD0B4lWpAevP


  • qNRIeUMzapT6lL9
  • DCbKU9Zd
  • Rfk2ProEcm

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IOCs for this adversary


During a cybersecurity incident, indicators of compromise (IoC) are clues and evidence of a data breach.